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MTs (Madrasah Tsanawiyah) & MA (Madrasah Aliyah)
, 4 kali berturut-turut TERAKREDITASI A
Konsep 6 Tahun dalam wadah KMI ( Kulliyatul Mu`allimat al Islamiyah) Pondok Pesantren Ibnul Qoyyim Putri
Ibnul Qoyyim Islamic Boarding School / ITTC

Dalam melaksanakan proses pendidikan berpijak pada 4 pilar :
Learn to know (belajar mengetahui), learn to do (belajar melakukan), learn to be (belajar menjadi diri sendiri, learn to live together (belajar hidup bersama).

1. Keikhlasan
2. Kesederhanaan
3. Kemandirian/berdikari
4. Ukhuwah Islamiyah
5. Kebebasan berfikir berdasarkan Qur`an dan As Sunnah

Visi : "Mencetak Generasi Mukmin, Mu`allim ,Mubaligh, mujahid yang Mukhlis".

1. Melaksanakan program Pendidikan dan Pengajaran terpadu dengan menggabungkan model Pendidikan Pesantren dan Madrasah/Sekolah.
2. Menanamkan dan mensyiarkan nilai-nilai Islam
3. Menanamkan jiwa keikhlasn, kesederhanaan , kemandirian, ukhuwah islamiyah, kebebasan berfikir berdasarkan Qur`an dan As sunnah
4. Menyelenggarakan Pendidikan ketrampilan dan mengembangkan dasar-dasar Teknologi tepat guna /life skills
5. Menerapkan direct method dalam berkomunikasi dengan bahasa Arab dan Bahasa English / Arabic and English Day

Minggu, 22 Juli 2012


Women are: 1. Org yg mendampingimu will last a lifetime.

2. Org that will melahirkn thy son "... Although with great pain.

3. a person who merawatmu the old junior high school.

4. a person who would merawatmu pd while you're sick.

5. the yg slalu support although you will fail "even hundreds" dozens of times.

6. a person who gave his life for you. In fact he ditched his ego for the sake with you. Even when you're mnyakitinya, he remained disampingmu ...

While the man is ...

1. a person who will take care of you for the rest of your life.

2. a person who sacrificed for you.

3. a person who menafkahimu.

4. a person who merawatmu pd while you're sick.

5. people who embrace you when you're sad.

6. a person who makes you want to be happy.

They are equally valuable, it's just that they had differences "which sometimes makes them hurt 1 another, and it can only be overcome by understanding from both sides.

Life is short ... Short for numerous quarrels Trlalu ... Why don't you just to make pasanganmu, and fill in the day "you guys with great love, and make pasanganmu trsenyum wider each day? Isn't that a better and happier than hurt each other? :)

Although many things in which reality is not easy to pass, even sometimes reluctant to through it.

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